Wednesday, September 12, 2007


I just am having a wonderful day today. For no reason in particular,  I'm just feeling very happy.

It's very refreshing.

I had an awesome night last night, hanging out with one of my bestess friends. It is so nice to spend time with a true honest and genuine person.

Today Tom and I are going to, dare I say, the Melting Pot tonight! YAY! We are celebrating the end of my first trimester and the beginning of the second. (I know we're such dorks)

I am super excited! I get to hear the baby's heartbeat next Thursday (the 20th) YAY! I know I saw the heart beating on the ultrasound screen, but I really want to hear it!


  1. congrats on making it out of the first trimester!!! i'm jealous (*barf*) eat lots of yummy food for me, okay?

    i have my first ob appt today - i'm soooo excited!

  2. Sounds like all is well. That is good to hear.
