Friday, September 21, 2007

No, No, No...

I'm officially "High Risk," I suppose I technically always have been but I have officially been labeled as such.

Thursday was my monthly appointment with the OB, I was able to listen to the heartbeat (finally) for about half a second. Literally as soon as I was beginning to hear the heartbeat the doctor says can you hear it, I said yes and he took the machine off. Tom didn't even hear it so that was a bummer for both of us.

The doctor seemed very much like he was rushing us. I told him I had diabetes (couldn't remember if I told him last time) he immediately said he wants me on insulin. Just like that, he doesn't know what my sugars run, he apparently doesn't care what the diabetes doctor says, just you need to take insulin. Then I tried to explain how everything is going good with my sugars and they monitor my diabetes and thyroid and everything is going well. He says do you have thyroid problems? (Mind you that wasin my chart already) I said yes, I have hypo-thyroid. He said, OMG is there anything else you didn't tell me? I said, I did have high blood pressure but it has been fine so the doctor took me off my medicine. He said, You need to take medicine again, go to your doctor and get a prescription.

Can you believe this? This guy is really pushing the meds on me! He doesn't even know how my blood pressure and sugar readings have been going and he wants me on insulin and blood pressure pills, WTF! He said that my BP will get worse and so will the diabetes so I need to be on the meds now. He kind of seemed like he was bugging out. He also said that I have to have Level II ultrasounds once a month to check the babies size and the thyroid. 

While I am excited that I get to see the baby once a month, I am nervous about all the pills and tests, etc...

It seems to me that the doctor is pushing meds off on me and rushing through my appointments. I feel like I should switch doctors, but I am uncertain. I have no faith in the OB's they all seem to rush you or have some weird quirky thing. This is my third OB/GYN in nine years and I fear I may never find one I truly like! So if I don't switch soon I will def. switch after the baby.

1 comment:

  1. I have to find a gyno too, since I only just moved here from Panama. The thing is, I'd rather have a woman as my doctor. As Chris says, he won't trust a mechanic who doesn't drive. A woman will understand my concerns better than any man because they're her concerns too.

    Good point PG, I think you are correct in your line of thinking!
