Wednesday, September 12, 2007

The Good and The Bad

The Good:

We had a great time at The Melting Pot! The food was really good and we weren't there too terribly long.

We got the "celebration package" which is balloons, fondue chocolate bars and your picture taken. I thought the picture turned out really cute. When I got home I looked at our last picture together from the Melting Pot, holy smokes we lost a good amount of weight!

Before (October 2006):


After (today) Tom has lost 50 pounds & I lost 40 pounds:


Surprisingly I haven't gained a single pound despite the fact that my clothes no longer fit me! (I read in a book that if you are already overweight you don't gain as much weight as skinny people)

The Bad:

1) We narrowly escaped I-95 in one piece! I was driving since Tom was sauced, we are just driving along minding our own business. All of a sudden this car charges into my lane about where the driver side door is! I had to hit the brakes and pull into the other lane to keep Tom's car from being creamed! I was terrified! Normally I am quick to lay on the horn, I was in shock or something because it took me a good two minutes to honk the damn horn. Of course I started to cry because my hormones have turned me into a crying mess because of the adrenaline. It was very scary and I probably would have been seriously injured had that jerk-off hit us going 70 mph hour.

2) Tom and I as some of you may know due not practice the same religion. He is catholic, I am baptist. He technically doesn't practice and claims to not even believe in Jesus. So I feel that our kid(s) will be raised Baptist seeings how I am the only one practicing my faith and have a relationship with God. Oh no, not in Tom's book, the kids are going to be raised Catholic. As you can imagine, I am not feeling this. It should be very interesting to see how this difference in opinion will pan out. I am sticking to my guns and I think he is too. Moral of this story: when your father tells you  (nine years ago) that you are unequally yoked, you might want to actually listen.

The religion thing is laughable at this point, I refuse to get bent out of shape but I would like to come to an agreement before we have kids to tend to. Argh.

3) I burnt my finger on the steam coming from the pot at the Melting Pot and it still is burning! When I reached towards the pot it burnt me really bad and Tom says "It couldn't have burnt you!" He then reaches his hand to the steam to prove his point! About two seconds later, "Holy shit that is really hot!" His face is cringed in pain and he is shaking his hand around like a moron. All I could do was laugh, tears were streaming down my face, that was the dumbest thing I have ever witnessed.


  1. I getting dragged to the Melting Pot tomorrow (Friday) night for the wife's Birthday. It is her favorite place too.

    As far as the religion thing, you are in a tough circumstance. It is not going to go away anytime soon and it is something that you both will be needing and willing to bend a little. Since Tom is not practicing it is easy to say that Tom shouldn't have as strong as a say as you do. Why not bring the baby up in both? As the baby gets older it can make it's own decision as to what they want to practice. Since he is non practicing, I would guess that Tom just wants to have the baby confirmed and all that stuff, let him. My guess is that you will be the one taking the baby to church every Sunday so in the end you win anyway.

    Finally, if there is a God ;) , it doesn't hurt to cover all the bases having the baby in both.

    Good luck.

  2. I can't believe how much weight you 2 have lost! Unbelievable!
    Anyway, I'm glad you had a good time, even though you burned your finger!
