Sunday, June 24, 2007

Thoughts After Midnight.

I was doing wash and hung my bras up to air dry. I had walked past them a few times. For some reason about the third time I walked past I thought, damn would you look at that. My one bra that I used to wear is gi-normous and my other bra looks way smaller next to it. It really helped to put things in perspective. I know it was just two bras hanging up in the mud room but I can't help but wonder if it was that oh so subtle sign from God. As if he was telling me, "Look how good your doing, don't get discouraged, get back on track!" Some of you read that and thought how loonie I must be, but I must admit I wonder. In case you needed to see what I am talking about, here is a pic showing the difference:



  1. TMI!!!! TMI!!!!! I should not know what your bras look like!!!! TMI!!!!!!


  2. Bras aren't that bad and it was more to make a point than anything else, wussy!
