Thursday, June 28, 2007

Going to My Homelands.

It's vacation time! Going to Missouri, leaving tonight. I am still not packed, just call me Mrs. Procrastination!

 I went to my mom's earlier today to see my neices one last time before we leave, it is also my oldest neices birthday today. I start to leave and the oldest one throws a fit! It was the fit of all fits, I have never seen the likes from her before. The poor thing was screaming and crying, "I want to go with you, I am going to miss you, No Heather!" Pulling on the back of my shirt all the way down the driveway until I got in the car. I started to cry a tiny bit, it was heart-wrenching to watch her like that. I hope she is okay while we are gone, since her Mammie and Gampie are leaving for the week with us. She is so attached to us and it is making me sad just thinking about it.

I have been in the worst mood all week, the impending burial of Grandpa, missing my girls, leaving the dogs and finding out that I have to go to "the diabetes center" for practically the rest of my life.

I guess it's time to put my big girl britches on and pack my bags! But why am I so damn weepy?


  1. Oooohhhh. Where in Missouri? We're headed towards Springfield today.

  2. You're totally allowed to be weepy... there are a lot of things on your mind right now!

    Have a very safe trip to Missouri.

    This may cheer you up, by the way... we have a Vera Bradley giveaway going on at our Pinks & Blues Girls blog! :)

  3. We are currently in Arnold (outside of St. Louis) and then we will be in Dexter, Van Buren and anywhere around what they call the boot heel.
