Monday, June 11, 2007

The Food Tour

Saturday I woke up super early to meet Rhonda and Dee at the Shop Rite 45 minutes away from my house. It was food tour day! Originally I thought they were going to tell you what you should eat, but I left feeling like I shouldn't eat anything. I know that was not her intention. Basically she walked us around the store aisle by aisle and showed us everything we should not eat and had us read the label and the ingredients aloud.

The Summary:

  • Only eat wild caught fish, do not eat farm raised fish

  • Eat only organic meats, other meat has too much hormones

  • Eat organic fruits and vegetables

  • No lunch meat, too much sodium

  • Nothing that comes from a bag or a box

  • If "it" can be prepared at home you should do that instead of buying all ready prepared from the store

  • No tuna for me because of the mercury

  • Eat pasta and rice sparingly

  • She recommended eating shredded wheat for a snack (gross)

  • She also recommended Kashi Pilaf as a side item for lunch or dinner

  • Essentially if it is organic that is what I should buy

  • Do not eat anything sugar free

She also wants me to keep a log of all the sugars I consume, to what end I am not sure. I am feeling really confused and a little overwhelmed. Organic is SOOO expensive so I am not sure how this is going to work since I am poor!  ;)

On the bright side I am officially 30 pounds lighter!!!


  1. oh sheesh! No sugar-free? I'm confused, don't they want you to limit your sugars?!?! Anyway, congrats on all the weight loss!

  2. Rhonda said in order to take out the sugar they have to put something else in to replace it which is usually fat.

  3. Wow - 30! Go you!

    Try Barilla Plus pasta -- in a yellow box. Not organic, but really good for you. It has protein, omega-3s and lots o' fiber. In pasta!! Thanks be to God!!

    With all due respect, that fish thing is dumb. Eat fish - its good for you. Trader Joes has pretty cheap fish. I have some yummy marinade recipes I can send you.

    Also - buying all organic will make an already expensive sounding diet even more expensive. It is expensive to buy fresh foods. If that is not in your budget, DON'T worry! Non-organic fruit is just as good for you as organic. The only organic thing I insist on is milk for my kids, due to lots of research about growth hormones in cows leads to growth hormones in milk leads to early puberty in little girls. Scary.

    Anyway, this entire post to say --- take the good things she taught you and adapt it to your budget. (Meaning don't stress about organic or farm-raised or whatnot.) Just eat healthy and be proud of yourself! You're doing a great job!!!

  4. OH - and the "sugar-free" thing I've heard is that it is not teaching your body to stop craving sugar. It can actually make you crave more sugar than before.

  5. Congrats on being 30 lbs. lighter! That's HUGE (but in a good way)!!

  6. Yeah the whole experience is laughable. I don't think I will ever be able to eat like a psycho health nut!

    I was going to try to get the organic chicken and milk since all the hormones that are pumped into the poor animals. She said if we didn't want to buy organic fruits and veggies then we should at least buy organic meat, I'll try it and see how it goes.

    I think she showed us the Barilla and I am going to pick a box of that up as well! Thanks for the tips!
