Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Interview From Mama Doggy Love

1) You got married when you were 19. Did you always know you would marry young or did fate just step in?

I was never one of those people that all they dreamed of was getting married. We had been together since I was thirteen and after the years are love grew stronger until we decided to get married. I would say fate just stepped in!

2) You LOVE Vera Bradley! What was your first Vera Bradley item and how did you come to love it so much?

I really can't even remember my first one, I think it was a Picadilly Plum Lucy. Maybe.

My friend that I worked with got me hooked on them. She was an addict and was always telling me to get one, now I just love em! I did used to hate them and thought they were ugly. Shame on me!  :-(

3) You love country music. If you could only listen to one country singer, who would it be and why?

BRAD PAISLEY!!! I just love that man! There is something about his voice. His lyrics are great too, they often times have a subtle humor about them. He also sings about things I can relate to or things that I believe in. I just love him!!! (Did I mention he is smokin' hot)

4) How did your nickname of “Heddy” come about?

When I was little my Grandpa started to call me that and it just stuck. Now EVERYONE seems to call me Heddy, even my co-workers! My real name is Heather. Grandpa also called me Jug-Butt and I always hated it. Not sure why he called me that but I think it was because I was overweight.

5) What is your dream job?

Owning my own farm and working the land!

Thanks for the questions! That was super fun!


  1. Brad Paisley is quite the man! Good taste!

    Amen for fate. :-)

  2. I loved reading your answers!! Glad you participated! :)
