Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Cigarettes Suck!

Saturday, Tom and I went to his Great Aunt's 70th birthday party. It was super fun, I seem to always end up talking to Aunt Marion who then invited us to go to a bar called George's in Claymont as an "after party." We never hang out with his family so we said okay,  plus it was Uncle Tony's birthday.

At the birthday party they were smoking but it didn't seem so bad. Then when we got to the bar everyone including the barmaid was smoking. I didn't care at first because I am used to people smoking around me. But as the hours lingered on my eyes started burning!  I mean on fire, you would have thought that a cigarette was in my eye! Then my sinuses started to get all stuffy! Eyes running! It was freaking me out, I thought I was having an allergic reaction.

When we finally left, I the non-drinker got the honor of driving my drunk husband home in the rain. With my eyes on fire.

 The next day I had a HORRIBLE headache, I am telling you I thought my head was going to split-open! To my surprise, I still don't feel good and this all happened Saturday. I think I might have developed a sinus infection!

Maybe I am allergic to cigarette smoke? Very strange!


  1. That's what happens to me when I get around cigarette smoke. Hope you get to feeling better.

  2. Thanks, I really do think I am allergic, this sucks!

  3. The effects of all that smoke can stick with you for quite some time!

  4. Cigarette smoke does that to me, too. And then when you can smell it in your clothes the next day... YUK! When I was a waitress, that was the worst part of my job. I will post your questions in a bit in my comments section!
