Thursday, April 12, 2007

The Winds of Change

I did it, I made the switch!

After giving it a lot of thought I have decided not to throw away any more money on Dr. R.  I feel like he doesn't care enough about my health or about getting me pregnant. If he did he would have done everything a lot differnetly two years ago.

I will now be going to Dr. Feinberg. My first appointment is May 11th. I am really excited! I feel like this change will be  good!

My family and friends are all backing me on this decision 100% so I have to be doing the right thing!

Okay I just had to get that out of my system!!! YAY!  :mrgreen:


  1. Good for you! When something's not working for you, or just doesn't feel like it's the best thing for you, you gotta follow your head!!

  2. YAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAYAY.....well, you get the point! ;)
