Friday, May 11, 2007

Answered Prayers...

Today was my first visit with the new RE. I was super nervous and anxious and happy all at the same time. When we got to the door it look like a fancy hotel lobby and I thought to myself...I like this place already! Then we get in the waiting room and it is huge, the receptionists are friendly as can be and took all my information and went over a few things with me. Then I waited just a little bit longer and was taken back into one of the small rooms with the nurse so she could ask some questions about my medical history etc. Then she took my blood pressure, my weight and my height. (Dr. Russell has never done any of this, by the way) Then when that was over I waited a few more minutes to meet the doctor. He comes out and gets me and I knew right away that this was going to be a great doctor.

We sat down and the first thing he asked was, "what did youlearn from Dr. Russell". I couldn't think of anything, I have been feeling like nothing so I said, "I need to lose weight and I don't like him." Real mature right, I know. Then we got to talking and he asked a couple of questions the other girl asked me. He asked me if I have ever had a sonohysterography, an endometrial biopsy or a sugar test. To which I had to answer no for everything. You could tell what he was thinking about all of this with out him even having to say it, Dr. Russell is a joke. The sonohysterography I have never even heard of before today. He asked me if I have considered gastric-bypass or the lap-band. I told him yes but that my husband and my father DID NOT want me to get that. He asked me why and my mom explained to him that my aunt had it 10-12 years ago and was very sick and that has been stuck in my dad's brain. Tom had no reason, in my opinion, but I didn't say anything about that to the doctor,so the doc countered with that was 10 or 12 years ago and it is at least worth it to get a consult. I agree.

Then he said that he definitely wants me to lose weight and that I need to that first before he will start me on any treatments. Thank God! An honest doctor that is not going to try medicine knowing that I will not have a healthy pregnancy. He explained that he was afraid that I might have toxemia or gestational diabetes if I were to get pregnant now. I brought along a picture of my ovaries from 2005 when Dr. R did ovarian drilling on them. In one of the shots you can see my fallopian tube and that it is what they call "sausaging" so he wanted to do a test to make sure my tubes are not defective. He also asked if when I was doing treatments if I ovulated every cycle and did I do inseminations. Yes to both. Which caused him to wonder if the reason I wasn't getting pregnant was do to something else such as my tubes or uterus.  He then wondered if something was wrong with my uterus, perhaps I have polyps or something else. So now I will have a test done for that as well.

You could tell he really cared about my health and well-being. He didn't bullshit me and told me right away, no treatments. Thank God! I want to know exactly what is wrong with me and what I need to do to fix it. Soon I will know, for better or worse!

(Sorry this is so boring and rambling but I wanted to get this all down before I forgot anything.)


  1. I'm glad this new doctor is caring and up front. It's so hard to find a good doctor.

  2. Oh, wonderful news!! I'm so happy you liked this guy... getting a good feeling from a new doctor is so awesome, and so important. I think dreading going to a certain doctor just makes everything so much worse.

    I'm so glad that he is discussing lots of options with you, and that you feel so comfortable with him and his entire staff.

    Looking forward to keeping up with your progress!!
